13 research outputs found

    Parallel Processing For Gravity Inversion

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015.In this paper results of recent updates of a simple algorithm for the inversion of gravity anomalies for 3D geosections in parallel computer systems are presented. A relaxation iterative principle was used updating step by step the geosection distribution of mass density. Selection of updates was done on basis of least squares error match of the update effect with the observed anomaly. Locally weighted least squares combined with the linear trend were used to obtain good inversion results for two-body geosections

    Geographical Competitiveness for Powering Datacenters with Renewable Energy

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    Proceedings of: Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016). Sofia (Bulgaria), October, 6-7, 2016.In this paper we analyze the feasibility of using renewable energy for powering a data center located on the 60th parallel north. We analyze the workload energy consumption and the cost-energy trade-off related to available wind and solar energy sources. A wind and solar power model is built based on real weather data for three different geographical locations, and The available monthly and annual renewable energy is analyzed for different scenarios and compared with the energy consumption of a simulated data center. We show the impact different data center sizes have on the coverage percentage of renewables, and we discuss the competitiveness of constructing datacenters in different geographical location based on the results.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS) and under the Erasmus Mundus programme Euroweb+

    Challenges on Democracy and Security on the Internet

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    Abstract. Technology has been always a catalyst for revolutions. ICT makes the same thing, empowering both the control and the anarchy of society in the framework of the so-called "global information (or knowledge) society". A new global public space has emerged, breaking all borders in space and time, with all its social consequences. In the era of globalization, marginal communities need to re-engineer themselves to met requirements of a global knowledgebased network economy and change the risks of globalization into opportunities. Lack of development increases the “digital risks ” and “digital divide ” between developing and developed communities. "Cyberspace " is more than computers and software- first of all it is a complex of institutional and human networks. Impact of ICT revolution will depend on the relations between governments and citizens, with unpredicted reactions in developing countries that need to find its "own " way through the gaps between different rationales.

    New Trends in Information Technologies and their Integration in University Curricula: a Brief Study in the Context of the FETCH European Thematic Network

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    Starting from general considerations about the fast evolution of Information Technology, in this paper we focus on the need for integrating new up-to-date topics in existing computing curricula. In particular, we summarize the data obtained from surveys developed within the FETCH European thematic network and directed to professors, alumni and industry representatives. We also provide suggestions derived from the FETCH European Strategic Framework for Computing Education and Training (ESFCET 2020), stressing the importance of computing curricula that incorporate timely technological targets

    Efficient Energy Sources Scheduling in Green Powered Datacenters: A Cloudsim Implementation

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the issue of managing different energy sources which supply green powered datacenters. The sources are scheduled based on a priority scheme, aiming to maximize the renewable energy utilization, minimize the energy used from the grid and optimize battery usage. Dynamic power capping technique is used to put a threshold on the drawn energy from the grid. The algorithm is implemented and tested in CloudSim simulator. Renewable energy is considered as solar energy. A workload scheduling algorithm is already implemented for higher renewable energy utilization. The results show that the proposed scheme is efficient and it is a promising direction in the field of the optimization in datacenters using renewable energy